
Anthropology is a science that study of human societies and cultures and their development. In Chile only in 6 universities the career is imparted. Even though they are very few, physical anthropology it’s still less. Only have 2 universities and that it is very sad for all the people to want to study that career.
In Chile, anthropology is divided in 3 mentions; these are social anthropology, archeology and physical anthropology. The career is very interesting because in addition to the division in mentions, it is interdisciplinary. The career has a little to biology, science, history, evolution, anatomy, etc. That makes more complete the career.
In general, people do not know a lot about this career and ignore the importance of this and how knowledge can be useful to society.
For example, if we refer to forensic medicine, physical anthropology has lot knowledge to contribute, for ways to inspect bodies, or human rest; also different parts of bones and cranium, among others, an example of this is, Simon Mays (2010) with the book “The Archaeology of Human Bones”. That book is basic for all physical anthropologist.
This problematic is one of the most difficult issues in this career because people, country even the other mentions don’t know all things we can do as physical anthropologist. Because a physical anthropologist does not work only in forensic medicine in fact, they can do different research about communities, related to illnesses, diet, mobilization, among others.
For this reason is very important to resolve this difficult situation about physical anthropology.
One solution for this is related with the university, specifically with the career and mentions. There is a need for publish and display
If think about different ways to confront that ignorance 


  1. Hi Paula, remember when you use the noun, you do not need a pronoun afterwards. The text is good but slightly to descriptive and so far it is not clear what the objective is.


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